Friday Favorites v. 74

I cannot believe we are already at the first weekend in November. I feel like the end of the year is flying by and I still have so much left to do!

Just a reminder, Sunday at 2 a.m. is when Daylight Saving Time occurs! We get to “fall back” an hour, but this also means it’ll be dark when I get off work. Boo. 


Happy Friday! Enjoy some of my favorites from this week. Let me know one of your favorite things from the week in the comments below!

1. The New York City Marathon is Sunday and I can’t wait to watch it. So many great American runners, including Meb Keflezighi. It’ll be his last competitive marathon and I am so ready to watch him race one last time. This article previewing his race is great. Give it a read if you have time. ‘My story is the American Dream’: Meb Keflezighi’s Indelible mark on U.S. distance running.

2. If you missed any of my Halloween posts from this week, check them out here, here and here <– includes a workout! Lots of costumes, candy and even a workout!

3. Pb&js have a made a comeback in my life and it is the best.

4. With Daylight Saving Time happening this weekend, here is a great resource for the best new running headlamps. Stay safe, friends!

5. This technically hasn’t happened yet, but we are heading to Tennessee for the weeeknd!

6. There is no just in 13.1.

7. I should not have read this post right before lunch, because by the end of it my mouth was watering and my stomach was growling! Like Julie, I LOVE Aldi, so I can’t wait to give this recipe for hearty vegetable bolognese a try.

8. Just a random picture of Murphy on my phone. 😂

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