Friday Favorites v.99

99! I can’t believe I’ve 99 of these posts. They are so fun and I love to look back on them. They always make me happy 🙂

Another full week has come and gone! I try not to wish days by, but since every day we are getting closer to moving into our new home, I am anxiously counting down the weeks, days, hours. Haha!

Let’s talk favorites.

1. Technically this is from last week, but it’s still a favorite. On Saturday, Ryan and I met up with some friends and headed across the river to a small drive-in theater. It’s one of my favorite summer traditions and I’m so glad we got to make it over there but their season ended.

We watched Incredibles 2 and Ant-Man and the Wasp. They were both good movies, we ate a ton of candy and overall had a great time. We haven’t gotten out of the house in weeks, so this was a nice way to spend a weekend night.

2. All week long I’ve eaten a scrambled egg, with sauteed mushrooms and peppers, wrapped in a tortilla shell with spicy brown mustard. OMG — my new favorite. I can’t get enough. I even had it for breakfast AND lunch one day.

3. Julie’s Summer Spicy Peach and Corn Salad looks delicious! I can’t wait to make this sometime in the next week.

4. I’m doing Beachbody’s 80 Day Obessesion. While I am not doing them every day, they are fun to throw in on days I am not running or just do a mile or two. 

5. These Formation Crops from Brooks are so pretty! I love crop leggings and I love the geometric style on these. I want all three colors!


7. One of my posts from my @mileswithmeghann Instagram was featured on the KT Tape Insta. Not gonna lie, I felt pretty cool. Haha.

8. Murphy is always a favorite. I mean, duh, I’m obsessed.

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