Friday Favorites v.57

Happy Friday! Before I get into all of the fun things I liked from this week, I want to say something serious.

I have had two friends lose their husband/fiancee this week and they were both 24. Y’all. Hug your loved ones tight. Always say I love you. Make sure you give love every day. Things could change in an instant. My heart breaks for these two young women who thought they had forever with their guys. I cannot imagine the pain they are going through. If you don’t know Jesus, I encourage you to start a relationship with Christ. I know this earth is not my home. I’ve loved my people hard this week. I want to remember the little things. I want to my tribe to know they were loved. I want to take in love from my family and friends. I want to be present. Likes on Instagram and name brand clothes don’t matter. Loving each other matters. 

Okay! I know that was a lot, but I really felt the need to get that off my chest.

Now lets talk favorites.

1. While this was slated as a Fourth of July pie, it could definitely be served all summer long. & I 100% agree with Julie — I love pie, all kinds of pie.

2. While I didn’t attend any actual fireworks celebrations on Tuesday, we saw lots of fireworks driving home from St. Louis. We actually crossed into Kentucky right as Owensboro’s firework show started, so we got to see a lot of the show while driving through downtown. So fun!

3. These KIND breakfast bars are my new favorite on-the-go breakfast. All natural ingredients and only 230 calories. Super filling for a fast breakfast or easy afternoon snack.

4. I’ve been running better! Isn’t it strange how we can have bad weeks of runs and workouts and then suddenly it’s like a switch flipped and all of sudden we are superstars?! That’s literally how I felt this week. Thanks to trust treadmill to sticking with me during all these hot afternoon runs in the garage. Here’s to hoping I make it through the summer and to a fall half marathon.

5. Five on-the-go snacks when you need immediate fuel.

6. Round two of my rock climbing adventures was a success! Ryan joined me and my dad this time around and it was so much. Also, I’m not as sore today as I was last Friday, so that’s a win in my book.

7. Our Fourth of July trip to STL was definitely a favorite this week! So much fun and I can’t wait to go back in September.

8. Murph giving me the side-eye. Someone was not happy posing for pictures.

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